RSFI Secretariat is happy to inform you that RSFI AGM has been successfully organized on 18th July at New Delhi. All State Association members took part in the AGM, Few of the highlights of the meeting we would like to share with you:
- 59th National Roller Skating Championship will be held from 14th to 24th Dec. 2021 host .
- Purposed amended constitution, Rules, Regulations and disciplinary guidelines.
- RSFI HISTORY BOOK गर्वके पल Inaugurated.
- RSFI Election held in Meeting and Members had cast their vote in front of Justice Mr. Mool Chand Garg (Retd. Justice) Returning Officer –RSFI Election-2021
- Last 4 Years report has been fetched, 4 years program has been shared with all members.
We are also sharing some photographs, newly elected members list and 59th National Championship Logo with you.