Sir Syed Roller Hockey Championship2.0 (MENS)

Sir Syed Roller Hockey Championship 2.0 (MENS)  will be held from 11th to 13th October  2019 at the AMU Skating Club, AMU, Aligarh under the aegis of Uttar Pradesh State Roller Sports Association and Aligarh Muslim University Games Committee. All RSFI State/U.T units are requested send  team and  make this tournament a grand success. Please note the details of the Tournament:

ENTRY FEES : No entry fee shall be charged from the teams.

 FOOD & LODGING : Free food and lodging will be provided for the participating teams.


LAST DATE :  01/10/2019 5 PM

CASH PRIZES: Prizes in cash for the event shall be as follows:

               First Prize                                          :              Rs 50,000/= 

               Second Prize                                    :              Rs 25,000/=

               Third Prize                                        :              Rs 15,000/=

               Emerging Team Prize                     :              Rs 10,000/=

               Best Goalkeeper Prize                  :               Rs 2,500/=

               Best Player Prize                             :              Rs 2,500/=

Participation eligibility : Only RSFI affiliated State-U.T. Units are eligible to participate in the said tournament. All participants are to registerWWW.INDIASKATE.COM )with R.S.F.I. as per rules.

Rules: RSFI Rules, Regulations and Guidelines will be followed for the tournament.

Any Quarry please call to   Dr Azam Mir Khan

Vice President, AMU Old Boys’ Alumni Association

Mobile: 9837165212, 9319246907  Shri Ali Akabar_  9837 3024 03

Entry: The participating teams have to send team list by email to with copy to

The Original documents i.e. Skaters  online Annual Registration Form and Photo copy of Date of Birth Certificate shall be submitted on 10.10.2019 at the venue of the Tournament.